What It Takes to Become a Great Leader in 2015

January 16, 2015 HR Insight
What It Takes to Become a  Great Leader in 2015


For many in the business world, the idea of being a great leader is something truly aspirational. While it is certainly not the goal of everyone, there are a large majority of people who yearn to be thought of as a great leader in their field (whether they admit it or not). However, while being the head of a department. or even a company, might make someone a leader, it may not make them a 'Great Leader.

Certainly the idea of what makes a great leader has evolved over the decades. In the past, if a person was successful, while at the same time making their company successful, then they met the criteria. It was always about the individual and the company - but times have changed and today it is recognized that the strength of a leader lies in how well he or she nurtures and guides those that they lead.

"Given the massive changes in the corporate environment, business leaders of today have had little choice but to adapt." says business entrepreneur and CEO of AirAsia, Tony Fernandes - in comments made for this Adecco Asia white paper. "The skills needed for corporate leadership are very different; command control hierarchical models - these don't work effectively anymore. We've moved from the age of dictate and direct to the era of   engage and manage."

There are many aspects that go into becoming an effective leader.  Essentially, it means pulling together a variety of traits and then putting them into practice on a daily basis to inspire those under you to want to achieve greatness.


A classic example of this would be the 'poster boy' for alternative leadership, Richard Branson. Branson's leadership style has captured the attention of millions, with its emphasis on inspiring the people who work for him. In an interview with Forbes Magazine, Branson stated that he would rather promote from within because"… it sends a great message to everyone in the company when someone demonstrates a passion for the job and leadership skills at every step along the way, and is rewarded with a leadership role."

Great leaders also influence the culture of the workplace. In a study for the Northern Leadership Academy in the UK, it was found that leaders shape identity, how the organization makes sense of its work and its environment, what relationships matter, what feedback counts and what information is available. As such, building an inspiring, innovative and creative work environment relies very heavily on the leadership.

So what makes a great leader? According to Fernandes, both nature and nurture play a part. "Nature contributes about 30% to the equation, while nurture contributes the rest. The good news is that people can be trained to become leaders."

While the path to great leadership varies for many, there are some common practices that one can establish to begin that journey. Here are a few key qualities that every good leader should possess and learn to emphasize.


One of the first things to remember is that, as a leader, your team always takes their cues from you. With every business, there will always be low days, when the future of the brand is in question and things are not going according to plan. Keep in mind that part of your job as a leader is to put out fires and maintain the morale, so keep up your confidence level and keep everyone's eyes on the prize.

“A large part of what drove me to succeed was self-belief, allied with tenacity," states Fernandes. "These values were instilled in me by my parents and from that platform I developed my own creed, 'Dream the    impossible, believe the unbelievable, never take no for an answer!'"

By remaining calm and confident, even in the face of crisis, you will encourage your team to feel the same and this will inspire them to work harder to surmount whatever obstacles your business may be facing.


While many entrepreneurs are of the “do-it-yourself” variety, an important part of leadership is about knowing when to let go. What many do not realize is that delegation is actually about trust.

Adecco Asia CEO Christophe Duchatellier comments “Certainly, your brand vision is essential to creating your business. However, if you don't trust your team with that vision, it is not going to go anywhere. Keep in mind that trusting your team with your idea is a sign of strength, not weakness. As the business grows and the tasks begin to pile up, it will become more and more crucial to delegate effectively since you simply cannot do everything yourself”.

The key to proper delegation lies in knowing the strengths of your individual team members and capitalizing on them. If you know what your team members enjoy doing most, and what they are capable of, then you'll know which tasks they should be given. If someone is given a task they already find enjoyable, they will put more thought and effort behind it. The benefit here is twofold; firstly, you are showing your team that you trust and believe in them to do a good job. Secondly, you are freeing up your own time to focus on higher level tasks that should not be delegated.


Being able to clearly and concisely convey what you want done is an extremely important part of the leadership dynamic. If you cannot relay your vision to your team, none of them will truly know and understand what you are all working towards. In a study completed for the Northern Leadership Academy, it was found that having clear organizational objectives and a shared vision of how they are to be achieved is one of the crucial factors that affect performance2 .

Regardless of whether it is through an open-door policy or by developing a close working relationship with your team members, being able to communicate with your team is vital. Knowing that they can talk to you, your team will learn to trust and depend on you and will not hesitate to work harder.


In line with communication - and just as important - being transparent about the business is a vital factor to being a great leader. Very few people of worth like to work in a bubble. Be transparent with your team about everything that is going on and trust them to handle situations like professionals. By sharing the company's financial position and being honest about what it takes to get to the next level, you can inspire your team to work harder to get there, because they will feel a sense of ownership in the effort.


In any business, there will be days when things go wrong. Whether it is a website crash or the loss of a major client, the ability to deal with the situation and not panic is as challenging as it is important. As mentioned earlier, maintaining morale is one of the roles of the modern leader and one way to do that is to encourage your team to sometimes laugh at their mistakes rather than cry about them. Every mistake is a learning opportunity and learning to find the humor in the struggle will help develop a happy and healthy working environment which your team will look forward to being in and being part of.


Not every decision will be clear cut and thinking creatively on your feet may end up being the best way forward. In a paper for the Harvard Business Review, it was stated that innovation in management principles and processes can create long-lasting advantage and produce dramatic shifts in competitive position3. As a leader, you need to think outside the box and be able to choose the better of two bad choices. While your team is looking to you to make the decision, that does not mean you cannot turn to them for their views and opinions. Not only will you get a different viewpoint, but you will also be showing your team that you trust and value their opinions.


One of the most inspiring things for any worker is seeing the boss down in the trenches, working alongside everyone else - especially when the 'going gets tough'. If you are expecting your team to put in the hours and push the envelope, you need to be right there alongside them. The fact is that, as the leader, no one should be more committed to achieving the vision than you and by proving your commitment to the brand and your role, you will earn the respect of your team.

At the same time, you also need to show your commitment to your team. Knowing when they need downtime, supporting their decisions and presenting a united front to outsiders or even to upper management and showing that you are always there to take the heat will earn you more than their respect - it will also earn their loyalty.


“One of the key factors that differentiate good leaders from great ones is empathy,” says Fernandes. Another is the ability to inspire.


A study completed for the Kravis Leadership Institute states that inspiring a shared vision is an important aspect of leadership because leaders are  expected to create and communicate organizational direction4. The ability to inspire your team to see the future successes is crucial to actually getting there and if, along the way, they feel invested in the milestones and accomplishments of the company, then there will come a greater sense of ownership for your team.

Adecco's Duchatellier commented “Being able to inspire your team is something that is necessary at every stage because you will generate enthusiasm for the hard work you are all putting in. When morale and energy levels are low, recognize the need for a break. Acknowledge the dedication and efforts of the team and commend them for it. It cannot be said enough that maintaining morale is the leader's role and it begins with showing appreciation for the hard work the team is putting in”.


1  How Does Leadership Make a Difference to Organizational Culture and Effectiveness, Northern  Leadership Academy,  2007

How Does Leadership Make a Difference to Organizational Culture and Effectiveness, Northern  Leadership Academy, 2007

Innovation, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 84, issue 2, 2006

The Influence of Vision on Perceived Organizational Support, 2011

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