Online Salary guide 2023

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Customer Service Executive (Coordinator / Order Administrator)

Job description( English or Thai )

Assist Department Manager in customer service functions, including receiving and processing sales orders, delivery tracking and monitoring, communicating and updating customers, preparing job orders, coordinating with operations departments, preparing reports, handling complaints and dealing with related documentation tasks.

By Category

The figures shown are base salary excluding compensations and fringe benefits.

Customer Service/ Call Centre/ BPO
Industry 0-3 years 3-7 years More than 7 years
Financial Services 18,000-30,000 0 0
FMCG 18,000-25,000 20,000-40,000 0
Industrial and Manufacturing 20,000-50,000 30,000-60,000 0
Information Technology 20,000-40,000 35,000-55,000 0
Life Science / Medical 17,000-25,000 0 0
Nonprofit Organization 0 30,000-40,000 0
Property/Construction 30,000-35,000 0 0
Services/Consulting 21,000-30,000 0 0

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